This days as market don't go well, I think its time to save your cash rather than stocks. This is a strategy for you to know the next entry point. This is the time for exitting in a moment. Before you exit, learn the candle pattern first or else you'll regret if you exit too early.
Happy Trading...^^
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Disclaimer are applied to all posts & analysis in this my blog.
Disclaimer: Anything written in the blog is only my opinion. It can be accurate or inaccurate because market is not below my control. It is not a persuasion or any offering. Every decision in every transaction is the responsibility of the investor who must know & bear the risk of investment by themselves. Manage your money well. Thank you.... Happy Investing....^^
Thursday, 26 November 2009
ENRG & Bakrie in analysis
Several days ago, that I expected ENRG would rise at the next day, but it didn't. Well, I'll explain to you :
Bakrie went down today with average of around 10% totally esp. DEWA which informed the RI & BNBR informed will issue convertible bonds that will affect its subsidiary. Lately, Bakrie's issued a lot of bonds & Right Issued. What's happening to them actually.
UNSP itself yesterday was analyzed by YU (One of IDX Member) that UNSP will drop down to 660 & it might be realized soon due to today it slided down fast to 730 from 790.
Is this the beginning of 2nd crisis this year? We have no idea, what we can do is wait & see.
Happy Trading....^^
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- From the technical view, it might rise after days of declinings.
- Unfortunately, the firm did announce the Right Issue of ENRG.
- Market is instable
Bakrie went down today with average of around 10% totally esp. DEWA which informed the RI & BNBR informed will issue convertible bonds that will affect its subsidiary. Lately, Bakrie's issued a lot of bonds & Right Issued. What's happening to them actually.
UNSP itself yesterday was analyzed by YU (One of IDX Member) that UNSP will drop down to 660 & it might be realized soon due to today it slided down fast to 730 from 790.
Is this the beginning of 2nd crisis this year? We have no idea, what we can do is wait & see.
Happy Trading....^^
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Bakrie's did too,
Energy slided down
PTBA in analysis
As today it opened higher than closed yesterday, PTBA has slided down today. This might caught some retailers, but not me, as I sold them in profits, eventhough I still got 1 left. Let's start the analysis.
As days ago it rallied fast and showing a great uptrend after a downtrend which was reversed by a bullish engulfing pattern which ended quite high & finally closed it's bullish at 10% higher at the reversal.
Unfortunately for those who didn't take profit today, will suffer further loss, as the graph showed the new reversal bearish, which is Bearish Engulfing Pattern & this might skid PTBA more, as the BEAR is very big & bigger than the bull. This is the time to wait & see the reversal of PTBA, once it gives reversal pattern then its the entry time. Today is a great exit time & let's wait for the next entry time.
Happy Trading...^^
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As days ago it rallied fast and showing a great uptrend after a downtrend which was reversed by a bullish engulfing pattern which ended quite high & finally closed it's bullish at 10% higher at the reversal.
Unfortunately for those who didn't take profit today, will suffer further loss, as the graph showed the new reversal bearish, which is Bearish Engulfing Pattern & this might skid PTBA more, as the BEAR is very big & bigger than the bull. This is the time to wait & see the reversal of PTBA, once it gives reversal pattern then its the entry time. Today is a great exit time & let's wait for the next entry time.
Happy Trading...^^
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