As tomorrow is the last day of trading, I see a lot of good candidate to be watch & transacted for tomorrow & a lot of good second liners is on the plate. Even people say that bluechips will lead the market but red chip still can grow but not as much as we had in 2010.
A bright future outlook for Indonesian economic is one of the key point to be successful in stock investing in 2011, yet the national reserve is in the highest level ever. Lower national debt has lead a more confidence in investing in Indonesia.
1. Jasa Marga (JSMR.JK)
Even I wan trapped twice in this stocck I think this stock will be one of the index mover until next year. As the leader in the industry of toll road, it still can gain a lot of advantages. The latest innovation done by them is the new electric invoice for customer & automated toll-road system.
Rating: Buy; Entry: 3375-3400, S/L: 3125-3100, TP: 4500-5000
2. Timah (TINS.JK)
The biggest tins producer in Indonesia & the one which exports the most tin in Indonesia is one of the advantage of being the market leader, increment in metals price & decreasing in the supply can increase the revenue of the company a while.
Rating: Buy; Entry: 2825-2850, S/L: 2525-2500, TP: 4000-4075
3. Nippon Indosari Corpindo (ROTI.JK)
Incresase in the factory unit can increase the revenue of the company soon.
Rating: Buy; Entry: 2575-2600, S/L: 2125-2100, TP: 3650-3775
4. Bank BNI (BBNI.JK)
Rating: Buy; Entry: 3825-3850, S/L: 3575-3550, TP: 5000-5075
5. Gajah Tunggal (GJTL.JK)
Rating: Need for the next confirmation if can get back to >2425, entry: 2450-2475, S/L: 2150-2125, TP: 3000-3200
Happy Investing^^
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