
Saturday, 1 January 2011

Happy New Year 2011!!!

Happy New Year to you all friends, fellows, relatives, readers & followers. May our New Year can bring us a more prosper year with better things that will come to our life. may all of our resolutions in 2011 can be done well & hope this opening post in 2011 can bring us health, wealth, happiness, joy, & the last but not the least is profit.

Resolutions in 2011:
  1. Doing my study well while I'm also doing my career well (as financial counsellor & trader)
  2. Having a more prosper year than before and will go thru this year with enthusiasm, spirit, joy, positivity, optimism & all good to great things
  3. Study & trade well for my future after I graduate
  4. Really focusing on what I aimed in 2010 (try to have a study about CFP, CFA, & WMI (Wakil Manager Investasi))
  5. Aiming for doing great trades & being able to beat index in my portofolio & also beat the best mutual fund in Indonesia (currently Panin Dana Maksima, which earn 100% in a year consistently)
  6. Buying new house & car
  7. Last but not the least, making a charity & share a part of my fortune in 2011 minimum every quarter or if I can every month.
Last week I watched "The Biography of Warren Buffet" and I found a sentence that is very identical to him which is "he shares his fortune to people who need it", this is one of the thing that I must do, to share my fortune & I did that yesterday as the closing of 2010 & I shared my fortune even not much but I hope this year I can do better.

Have a great & more prosper year, be better in you tradings & have a great day...

Happy Investing^^
Disclaimer ON!!!

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